Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Friday, November 30, 2012

Back Blog

End of the Season
We've been back in BOA a month now and totally absorbed in sorting things out in and for the house. All of which has had to take priority, but has meant no time for blogging, photography etc.  However yesterday morning I managed at last to get out early and got some shots in and some editing done. Then got the blog underway, loads of music stuff done and finally French conversation. All in all, a satisfying day. 

Us 'no longer working' types clearly have the opportunity to influence what we do as well as when do it, even though things still don't always work out as planned. I  appreciate that 'no longer working' is a mouthful to say, but I really loathe the word 'retired'.  It's stupid.  What exactly does it mean?  And as for being shy and retiring. Ha! I tried that one on some long-time pals when I was having a pathetic moment, a while back, after several glasses of wine. Shy and retiring? Me? They all just burst out laughing. No mileage in that idea. I've never been retiring or shy either in thought, word or deed. So I don't see why I should start now.

One good thing is that our book problem has been resolved. Ex- Libris, our local bookshop, has taken quite a few. Friends are taking some others. Another friend, Dickie, is having all my German paperbacks by Heinrich Böll (H.B.) who she actually met on one occasion.  I just love his writing. I've held on to my favourite book of his - Group Portrait with A Lady. Just couldn't part with it. I found out about H.B., purely by chance while on holiday in Canada and the States, back in '86. My knowledge of German Literature at this time was quite limited. but Helen an Israeli from Tel Aviv, who we met while travelling through the Canadian Rockies phase, told me about him. Helen and I became pen pals, which lasted for about twelve years until she died. Hers was an extraordinary story and a precious friendship, from which I learnt so much. As to the remainder of our books . . .well we're quite happy with them. Most will go into storage while some will come with us to France.

Took delivery of a sack yesterday afternoon, when Bradford on Avon Community Agriculture Co-operative came by to deliver some vegetables. The link is straight to their website. Worth a look. BOCA is a new food initiative, which supplies local residents with 'affordable seasonal fruit and vegetables'. It all looks so delicious. This is the first time we've been able to buy/support. We've always been away. Really pleased with the quality and the quantity. Just hope it can keep going.

The Kindle's been working over time. Just finished The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton.
An intriguing chain of events that begin in London during WW2 and finish in the present. The story development is so well-handled and you only get an idea of where it's going to land right at the very end. Now started The Lewis Man by Peter May. A superb thriller, which had to get published in France where it won an award, after being turned down by  English publishers. It's set in the Outer Hebrides. I'm definitely an Ian Rankin/Rebus fan, the same way as I'm a Le Carré/Smiley fan. Addicted is probably a better description. Anyway Peter May as enticed me away to a new landscape and a new and equally gnarled detective character. I'm really on a roll with reading at the moment. Neither of these books I've wanted to put down. Remember one time on my way into work on the London Underground with a Richard Harris novel stuffed in my bag. Sat down (that was a surprise!) and started reading. Managed to overshoot my station by three stops. Got off. Crossed over to the other platform, got back on the tube, started reading and overshot in the other direction. I put the book away!

Good weekends all!!

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