Cravant: Dusk |
Just over the road from us, neighbours have bats nesting in their roof - small pipistrelles - which at a quick glance, might be mistaken for insomniac house martins, but not for long. We enjoy seeing them and their aerial agility as they swoop overhead, hunting for food.
Cravant: full moon |
Cravant is a hunting area including deer, rabbits and wild boar (sanglier). The hunt or la chasse is well organised, controlled and seasonal. Mike caught sight of a sanglier one time when he was out in the car. I've only seen a baby sanglier - piglet (porcelet) - when I was in our local forest on a photography outing. I heard a rustling a short way off and spotted it ferreting around in the undergrowth. Piglets are very 'cute' with appealing stripes. However the parents are not and they can also be extremely dangerous. We hadn't appreciated just how dangerous until this January. We returned to Cravant to find two wine producers had had major confrontations with wild boar. One had been driving his son to school early in the morning along the forest road. A boar rushed out, collided with the car, which landed upside down in a ditch. The car was a complete right off. Miraculously everyone survived intact, although severely shocked. The boar was fine. The other wine-producer escaped with his life. Out on a hunt, a boar charged him, and smashed his arm to bits. He need major surgery and plastic surgery to repair it, and was going to take most of the year to recover. This time the boar was shot.
Cravant: a trail to the forest |
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