Tales from Cravant

Tales from Cravant
A Cravant View

Friday, August 31, 2012

Notes from our garden

Like everywhere else we've had a really unpredictable summer. Non-stop rain, followed by heatwaves of 38-40 degrees. Now it's back to 28 which is about right. But we're also getting strong and drying winds, so the ground is as tough as a rock, and we can't get a fork or a spade into it. We've lost a few plants, but most are going well and they have been treating us to some great colours and textures.

We decided on a new build here in France, which meant we had to buy the land first. After the build was completed we began working on the garden, with the help of a 'paysagist' (landscape gardner) from Azay le Rideau. It's taken us a while to get used to the seasons; to see what survives and what works where best. We've made some mistakes in our choices, but overall it's worked out well.

A good portion of the garden is lawn, the preferred option with a lot of people here. But the English touch is the flower bed all the way round it, with extensive planting. No annuals, as they're too much work. So large and medium sized shrubs and mini pine tree styles, which pretty much look after themselves. Hydrangeas and roses thrive, so we have quite a few of those. Euphorbias self-seed with no difficulty, as do poppies which are huge about 8"/20cms across.

There are several herbs, but I would like some more. Next year maybe. Amongst the blues, lavender is a good grower as are  thistles. But you have to watch those as they spread very quickly like weeds. I reluctantly admire weeds.They can be quite exotic looking. They are also survivors so have to be dug out. There's no other way. The roots are so long. The first weed I pulled had a root the size and colour of a young parsnip! Fooled once but not again.

Can't believe it's the first of September. We're on a 8k rando this afternoon with neighbours. More about that with some photos later. Looks like being a good day for it.

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